Simply incredible...
I have been going through all of your art submissions, and just had to comment.
Why? Because they are all absolutely breathtaking!
Your smooth colors, perfectly chosen and combined. The level of detail you draw. Your ideas. Your coloring, your shading. The facial expressions you draw. The dreamy effect lots of your drawings have. The landscapes. The skies... I could keep going.
It all makes me think of a far off world. And sometimes not that far. But no matter how far they take me, they all keep me transfixed on them for several minutes.
The hair, the clouds, the water. Even the trees on the left, or the grass and seashore on the right. Everything in harmony in the picture.
I might be getting a little dreamy while talking, but I just can't find the words to make your art justice.
At this point i think all that's left to say is. Is fantastic. I love all your work. And I really hope you keep up the good work and keep pursuing this. Whether it be professionally or as a hobby. You have a real talent for it.
Congratulations :)